Archive for February, 2012

Scott’s Tutorial

Scott’s video is a must see, this helps those of us who are computer illiterate do the right thing. I will go ahead and change some of my old assignments when I have the time to the correct format Scott wants us to do. I.E citing CC licensed photo’s properly.

What I have also learned is how to get my Daily Create photos on my page instead of a link to flickr where the photo is posted. Im glad I took the time to watch this video. At first I was thinking this is 7 minutes of my life I wont get back… what a BUMMER, but I actually learned something here and I hope YOU guys do to. Except that NERD kid (the one that couldnt take a few seconds to help me)  I still want to punch you in the FACE. lol seriously though, WATCH THE VIDEO!

Also, @Scott, for some reason my soundcloud uploads for my Daily Creates are coming up as hyperlinks. I did what you showed me, and on my Daily Create page one it worked, but the rest of them come out differently.

Today’s Presentations

Honestly, I enjoy the Prezi application. I thinks its cool that we can all work on a group thing at the same time. The group with the Cell phone photo was very creative. I wish I could have thought of something like that. BIG UPS! The group talking about OREOS and pokemon cards… SMH< LMFAO<WTF all in one. VERY FUNNY AND FUN. All the groups today were very organized and looking good. I cant wait to present something on FRIDAY…

Image With a message

Image with a message

I found this Ds106 assignment and the first thing that came to my mind was FREE WILLY. For those of you who dont know, Free Willy is a movie that came out in 1993 about a killer whale that was captured and placed into an aquarium. Teenage kids felt the need to free him.

The photo I found on a CC search engine which took me to Milan Boers. Thanks for sharing this photo which I used as my Quote photo.

The quote came to my mind for no apparent reason…

Car Lust

Only the elite can obtain it

DS106 Visual Assignment, Visualassignment123

This car is really a dream car, I think there are less than 20 of them that exist. I heard they cost about 2 million dollars. I love this car because it is a goal of mine to someday own one. But that is a big dream, and I know it will probably never happen and I dont care. Thats it, Just a dream car… If I had 2 million dollars i wouldnt spend it on this thats for sure. I would need like a couple billion for me to think of dropping 2 million on this. But still… DREAM CAR!!!

This is where I got the photo special thanks to terrazzo for sharing this photo.

Bad Guy Business Cards

download Honestly… This was my laziest work ever… But i feel the need to crank out something. Just been really strapped on time and I have not cranked out a DS106 assignment since the pioneer stage. So he is a quick business card I created for John Gotti, for those of you who don’t know him he is a notorious mobster. I used this card generator to make a quick business card. Its very simple, anyone can do it.


MY DC 36, my brother in-law has a snake and when i was visiting i got to watch it eat. interesting stuff…

Google: Street View, I know where you live

Our group assignment: Do you know who’s watching you? is very interesting because we all have sections of the infographic that we are to analyze. My section is the Google street view section. There are so many ways to navigate around the world; you can use MapQuest which even has a similar feature as Google’s Street view, or you can use a navigator where you can upload new maps using an online system. The point is there are many ways to find your way around in almost every corner of the planet.

Google street view has really set the bar high with its revolutionary first person navigating system. They basically took photo’s using high tech equipment to capturing of ground level view points. The Infographic takes a negative stand towards this new way of navigating the world by stating “Google street view, which grows daily, is being seen as a ‘service for burglars’ according to new research” People are starting to feel a sort of privacy violation, many photos have been removed or updated because of certain photos that show acts of sex, or drug deals, or things that people just dont want to see.

I would like for you, the reader to look at this infographic and tell me what you think of this street view addition to google’s already global search engine.

1. what are some of the risks of allowing google to have this on the internet, or have this at all? – What gives google to have access to this kind of stuff in the first place? Why is there a real need for street view when we can simply use our navigator or mapquest? I did use it to see my childhood home, that was about the only thing i used it for. But that is just me, what about crazy people who want to plan bad things? Isnt this a blue print for them to aid in planning?

2. Does this violate a person’s rights?-I think so, I cant lie and say I have never checked it out for myself, I really thought it was a neat thing. But looking at the bigger picture I can see it as a danger. It can be used to aid in war, acts of terrorism, drug deals, basically any crime. Plans can be made, i know it may seem far fetched, but how about planning a robbery or burglary?

Please give me feed back lets keep this thing going!!!



Todays daily create- This is the Air Traffic Control tower on the island of Iwo To, I took this photo as I exited the C130 that brought me to the island. If any of you have ever been on a C130 you understand how much that really sucks. A normal flight from Japan( kanagawa) to Iwo To is about 3 or 4 hours, but on a C130 its about 10-12 Hours and very uncomfortable. Anyways, the reason why this photo is one of my greatest memories is because not many people have the chance to step foot on this island. I spent about a week there and there is no Cellular connection no internet, just exploring caves and climbing Mt. Suribachi.


Ringtone which doesnt have any words! Sound cloud upload


I did this DC after Scott posted his slipper photo on twitter, I was having a bad day so i decided to show how I felt through my feet which was part of the assignment.